Winter has settled upon the lake. We have had some limited snow, but the ground is covered for the duration. This week has a 6-11 inch storm promised, but one never seems to know if that will happen. Temperatures have been the big issue, dropping to –34 with a number of –25 to –30 nights. That has raised issues for the pump, septic system, and roof septic vent. All are fine given the running of a lot of hot water to keep the whole thing going.
The squirrels seem to have holed upon for the duration. Only Chip has been seen in the last two weeks and that was on a lone good day. The deer are about but seem to be hiding too. Even daisy has been seen wearing her sweater to keep warm doing her duty. The thicker knit green tone one has been the favorite. Walks have been limited given the wind chill warnings and advisories.
While it looks like good snowmobiling time, they have not been seen much. The trials are just not ready yet.