Mud Lake in Winter

Mud Lake in Winter

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Almost Summer, Now Winter Returns


Saturday was a most beautiful 70 degrees, and we woke up to snow covering the grass.  The roads melted fast, but it is one nice winter scene outside now.  A lot of summer things are getting snow on them too.  Most of the solar lights are in place and sit with snow caps.  The patio furniture is white, mostly.  I suppose the lake will be empty of fishing boats today?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ice Out!


April 3 should be the official day to call the “ice out” for Mud Lake.  A tiny area remained on the south shore, but the majority of the lake was wet.  Today, on the  4th, the lake is fully clear with only tiny pieces remaining.  Sad, again another year without the spectacularly odd and ozzie noises of ice break up.